The next show to catch on my list...

Monday, June 30, 2008

28th jun 08, sat.. had my 2nd RAMBO exercise.. it's a exercise done for all the reservist to stimulate emergencies like having to Handel Mass Casualties situation! this means alot of work for me.. pre-event i have to prepare my Swifts with fully packed 1st aid kid joke!! then on event day itself have to assist the reservist all the way from 3pm in the afternoon to 4am in the morning..

next week come another busy week..on Thursday i have to stay over again for MOC final-ex.. sat have public teaching of CPR at raffles city.. then Sunday morning at 12 i'm going for NDP rehearsal for my SWIFT Stand By! i'm gonna loose my sleep again this week..

i'm fully loaded with upcoming events..hope i recover's very irritating to work when i'm not well!

My Transforming SWIFT!

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