The next show to catch on my list...

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Heroes and Tropic Thunder

Due to the hick-up of the research, i got 10days of sudden unplanned offs..
Well spent my off on watching movies..Heroes were so-so for me..though salman khan's scene were 2 nice songs Mannata And Makhana..Well during the show i met this lonely old Malay lady..she was an hour early for the show..and since i was the only 1 around near the waiting hall..she started a conversation with me..PHEW!!! i should say I'm amazed on her Bollywood Info's she's so updated la..she told me she have watched all the current showing movies in the cinema..guess a real die hard fan of Bollywood!
Yesterday was a eventful day for me..Morning went to my Captain's house for RAYA..followed by meeting up with my ITE friends for a show..Well what u get when you put a bunch of screwed up actors into a real mission(without telling them it ain't fake!).. well u get a nice blended "TROPIC THUNDER"
the introduction to the actors in the beginning can be quite confusing but yup it's part of it..and yup have a close look out for Tom Cruise..only manage to know it's him at the end..Was funny but didn't leave me breathless!

Went for my SCDF Chalet at Down-town east after the show..played bowling from 1 till 3.30 in the morning..long game..then tried my frens Bike in car park(Sshh)..luckily stopped before the police arrive! Got home at can't sleep yet!! Been a long long time since i went out till so late..may be my system is not used to it!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Max PayNe

Went for my 1st 2B Prac 1 lesson yesterday..felt like i was trying some Go-cart form a theme park! very addictive..looking forward for the next class..
Went to watch Max Payne after the lesson..Not bad for a weekday movie but not worth the weekend!!

Today is my 1st day..hope things will turn out right!
-It's completely my choice n decision and I'm not gonna blame anyone for anything that is going to happen!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Big Stan

Watched big stan last week Friday with Cd friends before heading to Warrant officer Encik Zakaria's place for Raya Open house. A very hilarious show portraying gay ism in prison and how this 1 man tries badly to avoid it all and wanting to change the whole culture there..will he succeed in his goal? well catch big stand to find out more;)
Encik zakaria's place was so peaceful and pleasant..Beautiful wife,lovely house,adorable twins...hope to lead a simple life like his!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Busy With WorK..

Been Busy with Work..Was involved in Singapore's 1st ever Grand Prix Formula 1 Race last month! I was part of the SCDF Medical Coverage for the event. Had to go for a pre-event Recce for my Swift deployment and had alot of packing of medical equipment for me to do. Good thing is i manage to drive on the road specially made for the F1 race and get access to certain places which the public can't :P

but the actual 2 days was a bore.. because i had to stand by near R.O.M where i can only hear the F1 roar but not see it live..but who cares, I'm not a die hard f1 fan either.They provide good food and live telecast of the race which was Gd enough. I actually Supported Felipe Massa but due to his stupid mistake at the pit stop he lost..well deserved win by the Ex-world champion Fernando Alonso!

Other then F1 i was also busy in camp with my 108th MOC trainees..this was their 2nd last week and yesterday they had their Final-EX! Next week Friday will be their last day..then they will be posted out to various station and posting! Though i want this to end soon so that i can get a break but at the same time i think I'll miss the good times i had with the 51 of them.